Saturday, March 04, 2023

Week of Feb 26, 2023


First post of the year. Yes, it's the end of February. Yes, it's been a long time. But, these posts are posted when they are done. Plus, there was a lot of travel over the past two months and this isn't easy while traveling.

Going forward, about once every 2-3 weeks will be the norm. Any more than that and it starts to feel like a job. Let's not do that. 

Best of the Week

Riverside - ID.Entity

2023  7 tracks  (53:11)

Riverside has quietly become one of the great prog bands of recent time. This album is musically moving and involving, much in the same manner of Flying Colors. Polished and engineered at a high level, it hits all the right buttons to make you salivate for more. Like a number of bands that inhabit this space, like Pineapple Thief and Gazpacho, the strength lies in involving intricate compositions played and sung grandly.  A

Kongos - Lunatics

2022  12 tracks  (51:22)

The number of rock bands that make regular use of a harmonium has to be…maybe this is the only one. But, they can cut a groove that is hard to beat. Throw in the tasty guitar licks, bouncy percussion, and spot-on vocals by these four brothers from South Africa and find this band an absolute winner. A

Edena Gardens - Edena Gardens

2022  7 tracks  (44:07)

Patient sumptuous airy rock. 

This is a fine instrumental art rock album with swirling textures and moving melodies. There are many aspects that reminds me of Red Kite, the Norwegian band of experimental understated rock. A

The Downling Poole - Refuse

2022  11 tracks  (41:18)

Creating a good pop tune that delivers a message wrapped in crafty lyrics and excellent musicianship is a lost art. Where bands like XTC and 10CC used imagination and guile to be both playful and pointed, just really good smart production. The Dowling Poole (two people named Dowling and Poole) came from bands I never heard of but that doesn’t take away from how good they are. “Fuck You Goodbye” this the perfect anti-Trump anthem. “The Strawman” uses Gentle Giant iconoclastic structures. “White Lightning” is a gem. Love it. A

Interesting Finds

Pretty Lightning - Dust Moves

2022  14 tracks  (43:42)

Retro sounds. Depends greatly on composition skill and using a variety of instruments to produce a dreamy psychedelic experience. These all instrumental pieces give a wide variety of textures not normally found grouped together. I hear everything from spacey Indian snake dance music (“Myth Glyph”) to dreamy electric Leo Kottke (“Glide Gently”). “Powermill” and “Enchanted Debris” is delightful enough. Does it add up to a listenable experience? In doses, I guess. C+


Imminent Sonic Destruction - The Sun Will Always Set

2022  7 tracks  (50:16)

Compares to Haken

I really want to like this band because they do many things right. Songs are given space to develop into a story with a wide range of tempos and rhythms. It is a form of death metal or post grunge that can put people off with the darkness, but ISD has a recognizable place in a realm that tends to morph together. B-

25 Yard Screamer - Nemesis

2022   9 tracks  (50:19)

Neo-prog group from Wales provides some satisfying moments in this release that has produced records since 2007’s Cassandra. It isn’t top shelf only because many of the music lines are not as distinctive or creative as most of the better acts. B- 

Sleepyard - Head Values

2022  11 tracks  (45:25)

This all instrumental outing is very relaxing and contemplative. There is a place for music like this, though it wouldn’t be a regular thing for me. Lots of soft keyboards and understated percussion with dreamlike backdrops are common elements. Being one step away from adult lullaby music requires times your nerves need to be soothed. For what it is, it isn’t bad. C

Russian Circles - Gnosis

2022  7 tracks  (39:39)

Gnosis - Deliberate post grunge, less bite than prior releases, more Tool-ish. There comes a time all good bands start phoning it in and stops innovating. Maybe Russian Circles has reached that point. Or, maybe it was just a let-down album. Whatever the case, not much inspired on this release. C-

Philosophobia - Philosophobia

2022  8 tracks  (53:07)

Time to Breathe - Typical prog rock constructs, C

Within My Open Eyes - wall of fuzz guitars interspersed with gentle moments and capable vocals feels like it is trying to attain something, but not quite reaching it. B-

I Am - Ok heavy prog rock  C

Katatonia - Sky Void of Stars

2023  11 tracks  (50:39)

Long time Swedish rockers may have mellowed from their death metal days, but they haven’t totally abandoned the fold. Still featuring the heavy wall of guitars and thundering drumming, they at least sing straight up without the gluteal growl so omnipresent elsewhere. B-  

Royal Worm - Worm!

2022  9 tracks  (38:59)

Having considerable trouble figuring out who would listen to this stuff. It isn’t terrible, but it is a bit disjointed and freaky as the artwork on the cover. Occasionally, a (somewhat) normal tune like “Hop” would appear, but others just seem like random bits and segments of songs strung together. The musicianship is decent despite the schizophrenic nature of the work. D

Motopsycho - Ancient Astronauts

2022  4 tracks  (43:31)

Anchored by two Norwegians, this long term band has produced twenty plus albums of serious prog rock. Half of this release is one track - “Chariot of the Sun - To Phaeton on the Occasion of Sunrise”. But it’s all good, perfect for listening on an extended playlist set. 


Pymlico - Supermassive

2022  8 tracks  (44:28)

This is more a lightweight jazz-rock band more than anything. If was a little less formula sounding, it would be okay. But nothing is particularly engaging despite being well recorded and played music. More style than substance.